Typically, Great Hill Advisors is engaged by privately-held businesses – both private equity and family-owned companies, to provide financial leadership and consulting services. As a consultant, the role is often about financial and operating projects, transaction advisory, and deal support. Regardless of the specific needs in your business, the work of Great Hill Advisors aims to professionalize key aspects of your company for sustained focus and financial strength.
Financial & Advisory Services
Through a career dealing with the same financial and operational issues that you wrestle with, and as a former business owner, Great Hill Advisors is a unique peer/confidant who can serve as your financial leader to professionalize your vision and lead your implementation plan.
Privately-Held Businesses
Private Equity-Backed
- Transaction support
- Transitional CFO or advisor
- Due diligence participation
- Board of Directors

- Fractional (part-time) CFO
- Provide financial structure
- Advisor to family and management
- Lead financial leadership transition
- Board of Advisors
CFO Services
- Fractional (part-time) CFO
- Transaction preperation and/or execution
- Banking and investor issues
- Presentation support
Advisory Services
- Board of Directors – as a member or advisor
- Advisor to Board,CEO or financial personnel
- Shareholder relationships and issue resolution